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Virtual Reality Therapy in Journals

2023 was an exciting and successful year for CUREosity GmbH. Among many other highlights, we can look back on the successful launch of CUREO® 3 and well over 100 new, satisfied customers. Another major success and confirmation of our daily efforts is our growing presence in the media. In addition to more extensive TV reports (Sat.1 and NDR), our follower numbers on our social media channels (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube) are rising continuously. This shows that the benefits of virtual reality therapy in rehabilitation are of interest to more and more experts in clinics and practices. As a medical technology company in particular, we are naturally pleased to be present in specialist media in the fields of therapy and medicine. In this respect, the end of 2023 was once again a special media highlight, as three different journals reported on virtual reality therapy with CURE at the same time.

The "Bewegungstherapie & Gesundheitssport" (B&G) from Thieme Verlag, the official organ of the German Association for Health Sports and Sports Therapy (DVGA) e.V., has published the article "VR therapy: challenges in the development of a medical device" in its 6th issue 2023. The 7-page article by authors Dr. Judith Stemick, Laura Teichmann and Thomas Saur (all CUREosity GmbH) paints a detailed picture of how virtual reality is already being used in medicine, deals with the special challenges in the development and market launch of a medical device and highlights the advantages and challenges for providers and users.

Bewegungstherapie & Gesundheitssport (B&G) 2023; 39 : 309 – 315; Thieme

The article "Shaping the future with Therapy 4.0" by Dr. Judith Stemick (Clinical and Medical Affairs at CUREosity) was published in the December issue of "Krankenhaus Technik + Management" (KTM). She reports in detail on how the use of virtual reality in rehabilitation creates added value for patients and therapists. The article also highlights one of the biggest advantages of VR therapy for clinics and practices: The possibility of group and parallel therapy, which can support therapists in their daily work, while the high quality of therapy for patients remains unchanged.

Krankenhaus Technik + Management (KTM) December 2023; 32 – 33; pn verlag

In addition to B&G and KTM, "PARAplegiker" also reported on virtual reality therapy in its 4/2023 issue. The article by Dr. Ulrike Gebhardt deals in detail with the benefits of CUREO® VR therapy for paraplegics. The article quotes CUREosity CVO Thomas Saur, who reports that the "mixture of intensive motivation, promotion of imagination and perception" is an optimal setting for patients to initiate actual motor movements. "Every movement begins in the mind" is therefore the apt title of the article.

PARAplegiker 4/2023; 28 – 30; Fördergemeinschaft der Querschnittgelähmten in Deutschland e. V. (FGQ)

We are also happy to share the articles with you on request ( You will find the links to the specialist articles and/or journals in the relevant paragraph above.


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